Monday, August 6, 2012


Okay, so I'm 4 days into my Buffalo trip, and I've had 3 injuries!
Saturday, I messed up my neck, doing a front flip on the inflatable water slide.
Sunday, I made a lineman run at my Dad, and wouldn't you know it, he tripped me! I fell face first, and my left foot stayed behind my Dad's leg and streeeeetched a tendon or something under my knee. I can still feel the pain when I stretch my leg backwards. You'd be surprised how much your body does that.
Finally, today, Grandma Sue took Grandma Chris, Dad, and I on a walk through the woods. We all thought we should go aaaaallll the way through the woods, across the back road, and into the cornfield. So we go, and we're about 4 feet away from the back road, when Grandma Chris stops because Hairy, Grandma Sue's dog, stops. Then, my Dad just yells "RUUUNNN!!!!". I feel a deep sting in my left thigh, and I scream. I go forward , to follow my Dad, but I see the bugs and don't want to go through the nest, so I turn around and sprint away. My Dad tells me just to run through them, so I do. When we get Hairy out, we come to the conclusion that we were bitten by mutant bee things. So, all in all, I've been pretty banged up right now.

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