It was the early morning of last Thursday, I could see my breath in the air, but I was hot in my beavers sports jacket. My class was divided into countries: Italy, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, Austria, and France. Mrs. Adams put the countries into two sides: the triple alliance(Russia, Great Britain, and France) against the triple entente.
I walked across the field to the entente's dig sight, I would be digging a trench with my fellow Germans, with our allies: Austria and Italy.
2 hours later,
Our trench was completed, about 6 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep. Our wall stood about 2 feet tall. We all had to sit down as to not be seen by Ms.Adams, if we did, we would have to write our last 20 spelling words 50 times. The other trench had been dug deeper, but it was only about 4 feet long.
Another 2 hours later,
The first aerial attack had been applied, the second graders and their leader, Mr.Currey. We were trapped in a trench, there was no escape.
12:00, lunchtime.
We called a quick alliance to get food to the hot lunch eaters in our presence, but when they had returned, it was back to trenches.
By the end of the day, there had been about 6 more aerial attacks, but this time, it was against the alliance and the entente. We all went home overtired, and dirty.